Surrey Guild of Craftsmen
Really, really pleased to say I've been accepted as a member of the Surrey Guild of Craftsmen. I had to send in five pieces "of exhibition quality" for an assessment day on Monday 13 June 2016.
After a few days of surprisingly nail-biting tension, I got the most lovely letter from them saying "I am delighted to welcome you as a member of Surrey Guild of Craftsmen; the committee was unanimous in agreeing that your work fulfils our criteria for membership. The assessment committee thought the work was lovely, and of a very high standard indeed. Congratulations."
've asked to join the Guild's gallery in Milford, Surrey, and been accepted, so my pieces will be there as well as at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. I will have to man the gallery a few days a year - it's a good 45 minutes from home which means the long-suffering Dave will have to work from home / take the kids to school etc. But he seems up for it. I'm hoping to start there around the beginning of July.
I've also had planning approved for my new workshop / family room at the bottom of the garden. We went to put the (eye watering) deposit down on Sunday... cabin expected mid to late September. Not great timing for someone who is always rushed off her feet from September-December, but I am beyond excited as I have completely outgrown my current tiny space. I'm a (well disguised) neat-freak Virgo so the general chaos in there (and now on & around my kitchen table, too) is a bit of a chore at times! Here's Dave, looking a bit lost in the cavernous space of the show model (mine won't look like that for long - there will be bits of equipment everywhere, as well as dog hair, half-drunk coffee, and polymer stuck to the floor).